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Federal law books

Legal Solutions by Thomson Reuters offers a wide-ranging selection of federal law resources including hardbound and softbound law books, ProView eBooks, legal encyclopedias and legal software solutions.

State-by-state analysis of regulations and trends relating to Regulation D. Also includes definitions, charts, and comparisons.

Book   $4,229.00
ProView eBook   $4,229.00

This Aspatore title provides a guide for bringing the receivership of an operating company to a successful conclusion.

Book   $100.00

Comprehensive coverage and analysis of securities, banking, and employee benefits laws; state and federal regulations; compliance requirements; plus numerous appendixes.

Book (Full Set)   $724.00
ProView eBook   $724.00

This treatise provides a practice-oriented guide to all phases of Chapter 13 proceedings, from debtors' prefiling considerations through discharge, litigation, and appeals.


Provides in-depth treatment and comprehensive coverage of the latest issues, regulations, legislation, and caselaws affecting entertainment and communications industries.

Book   $3,916.00

Handy source of Fifth and Sixth Amendment doctrines leads to the heart of criminal case law, including current criminal procedure.

Book (Full Set)   $2,846.00
ProView eBook   $2,846.00

This Aspatore legal title provides perspective on how harassment and stalking laws apply to social media and the Internet.

Book   $85.00

This Aspatore legal title examines laws pertaining to the disclosure requirements in case of a security breach for applicable states.

Book   $95.00