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Legal Solutions by Thomson Reuters offers a wide-ranging selection of federal law resources including hardbound and softbound law books, ProView eBooks, legal encyclopedias and legal software solutions.
State-by-state analysis of regulations and trends relating to Regulation D. Also includes definitions, charts, and comparisons.
This Aspatore title provides a guide for bringing the receivership of an operating company to a successful conclusion. Book $100.00 |
Comprehensive coverage and analysis of securities, banking, and employee benefits laws; state and federal regulations; compliance requirements; plus numerous appendixes.
Book (Full Set)
This treatise provides a practice-oriented guide to all phases of Chapter 13 proceedings, from debtors' prefiling considerations through discharge, litigation, and appeals. |
Provides in-depth treatment and comprehensive coverage of the latest issues, regulations, legislation, and caselaws affecting entertainment and communications industries. Book $3,916.00 |
Handy source of Fifth and Sixth Amendment doctrines leads to the heart of criminal case law, including current criminal procedure.
Book (Full Set)
This Aspatore product discusses strategies for successfully drafting and executing estate plans. Book $110.00 |
This Aspatore legal title provides perspective on how harassment and stalking laws apply to social media and the Internet. Book $85.00 |
This Aspatore legal title examines laws pertaining to the disclosure requirements in case of a security breach for applicable states. Book $95.00 |