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Federal law books

Legal Solutions by Thomson Reuters offers a wide-ranging selection of federal law resources including hardbound and softbound law books, ProView eBooks, legal encyclopedias and legal software solutions.

This title provides you with insights of experts about the implications of important recent ERISA decisions.

Book (Full Set)
ProView eBook

Thorough guidance on application of Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, including case analysis and citations to law review literature.

Book (Full Set)   $6,358.00
ProView eBook   $6,358.00

This title gives you articles that organize and evaluate cases rather than simply provide you text of the case.

Book (Full Set)   $11,498.00

Provides valuable, practice-oriented insight into the full array of legal issues, statutes, and precedents relating to attorneys' fees.

Book   $1,064.00
ProView eBook   $1,064.00

This Aspatore product provides feedback from leading legal minds on drafting enforceable waiver and release agreements regarding ADEA claims.

Book   $25.00

This Aspatore product provides an authoritative, insider's perspective on best practices for the construction contracting process.

Book   $80.00

This Aspatore legal title provides a comprehensive examination of the text of a standard commercial settlement agreement.

Book   $90.00

This informative resource examines conflicts and issues concerning neighbors. It discusses land use, airspace, zoning, rights, case law, and federal, state, and local regulations.

Book   $1,513.00
ProView eBook   $1,513.00

Comprehensive and incisive coverage of the latest case-affecting news needed to advise clients with authority and expertise.

Book (Full Set)

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