Can We Help?
Legal Solutions from Thomson Reuters offers comprehensive Georgia legal resources, including law books, WestlawNext, legal software and automated forms for Georgia attorneys.
This is a "how-to" manual for the attorney, magistrate, or layperson on bringing an action in magistrate court. eBook - ProView $743.00 |
Gives you a complete foundation on business entities law in Georgia, along with recent developments and forms.
Book (Full Set)
New edition Provides you with a guide to long-term care and financial planning for your elderly and incapacitated clients.
This title gives you quick answers to questions on the duties and powers of guardians and conservators under Georgia law.
New edition This is Herman & McLaughlin's useful courtroom tool for judges and trial lawyers regarding evidence questions in civil cases.
This title gives you forms for all criminal proceedings in Georgia, from pretrial matters through postconviction remedies. |
A complete and comprehensive analysis of the law governing the admissibility of expert testimony in Georgia.
This title provides complete, expert guidance and analysis for handling appeals of all types in Georgia's appellate courts. eBook - ProView $580.00 |
This title summarizes all facets of automobile insurance law in Georgia, with an emphasis on tort cases involving automobile insurance.
This is an in-depth examination of the substantive criminal law of Georgia.
Book (Full Set)