Can We Help?
This title consists of a bound volume of session laws from the most recent legislative session. Book (Full Set) $1,864.00 |
Complete coverage of every Michigan evidentiary rule, including the full text of each provision and expert analysis. Book (Full Set) $762.00 |
This title consists of a bound volume of session laws from the most recent legislative session. Book (Full Set) $1,864.00 |
The most accurate, up-to-date text of Michigan statutes, fully annotated with legislative histories, notes of judicial decisions, and additional research aids. This code accelerates research by connecting information efficiently and logically. Book (Full Set) $22,493.00 |
Essential guidance in the preparation of Michigan civil practice forms, from the inception of a case to its conclusion. Book (Full Set) $8,819.00 |
Designed for use in the office or courtroom, this pamphlet brings together in one convenient publication the statutes, rules, and administrative materials relating to Michigan probate law.
This product provides feedback from some leading legal minds on challenges of working with foreclosed properties in the Michigan market. Book $25.00 |
This multiple-volume set delivers step-by-step assistance in creating an estate plan that meets your clients’ needs. Book (Full Set) $4,418.00 |
This case law reporter contains state court opinions from Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wisconsin. Book (Full Set) $26,400.00 |
Designed for use in the office or courtroom, this pamphlet brings together in one convenient publication the statutes and rules relating to Michigan family law.