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This product contains session laws from the current Pennsylvania legislative session and provides updated information as new legislation is passed. |
Pennsylvania Rules of Court - Local Western KeyRules, 2025 ed. (Vol. IIIF, Pennsylvania Court Rules)New edition KeyRules provides outlines of the procedural laws needed to draft, file, and serve common civil court filings quickly and correctly. Book $205.00 |
Pennsylvania Rules of Court - Local Eastern KeyRules, 2025 ed. (Vol. IIID, Pennsylvania Court Rules)New edition KeyRules provides outlines of the procedural laws needed to draft, file, and serve common civil court filings quickly and correctly. Book $205.00 |
Gain support for your evidence questions with this title, which includes quick finding aids and case law citations. Book (Full Set) $455.00 |
Authoritative, up-to-date coverage of significant issues in all areas of business and corporate law in Pennsylvania. Book (Full Set) $814.50 |
This collection of forms and sample documents provides the fundamentals of debtor/creditor practice in Pennsylvania. Book (Full Set) $804.00 |
This caselaw reporter contains opinions issued by Pennsylvania state courts, plus West headnotes, Key Numbers and other editorial enhancements. Book (Full Set) $61,093.00 |
Contains the rules of Civil Procedure for the Pennsylvania trial courts, plus notes, citations, commentaries, and over 400 procedural forms.
Book (Full Set)
Gives you an overview of law and procedure, with forms for your use.
Book (Full Set)
Provides a fundamental framework for discovery and tactical considerations for the exchange of relevant information and application of discovery rules. Book (Full Set) $910.00 |