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New edition Overview of California insurance law includes synopses and analyses of every insurance law decision, cross-references, and commentary.
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New edition Issues you face in preparing and filing estate tax returns are covered concisely and completely in this compact desk reference.
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New edition This practical guide helps you with techniques and approaches to use when counseling companies or other clients on distribution problems.
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New edition This compilation provides a comprehensive criminal law reference for use in court, office, classroom, or police cruiser.
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New edition Detailed resource discussing all phases of Connecticut probate litigation, including forms, cases, and statutes.
New edition This work collects relevant statutes and supplements them with over 1,700 case annotations from the U.S. Supreme Court and federal courts of appeals.
New Product A summary of traditional principles and contemporary labor law developments. |
New Product This compact guide provides immediate access to pertinent federal civil judicial rules and procedure, including current amendments. |
New Product This reference provides complete coverage of Maine's Domestic Relations Code and related provisions. |
New Product Step-by-step practice guide to all the procedures of a criminal prosecution, from initial investigation through trial and verdict. |