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New Product This work contains statutes and rules of court pertaining to Florida probate, estate taxation, guardianship, and related laws. |
New edition This family-law practice manual provides in-depth explanation and analysis of how caselaw, statutes, and procedural rules work together, with more than 8,000 case citations.
New edition Master the art of witness interrogation with this guide to strategies, tactics, and direct- and cross-examination techniques.
New edition This comprehensive guide covers legal issues involving state and local government pension plans.
New edition This book includes hundreds of forms and specific clauses for many purchasing needs, from construction contracts to international purchasing agreements. Book (Full Set) $1,817.00 |
New edition This work examines information privacy law concerns regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of personal information. These Principles are designed to guide the protection of data privacy in various areas and types of law. |
New edition Noted authority Jonathan L. Rosner analyzes the elements of preparing witnesses to give clear, persuasive testimony. Book $389.00 |
New edition Prepared by a respected trial consulting firm, Jurywork provides expert advice, research methods, and systematic techniques for handling jury trials.
Book (Full Set)
New edition Addresses practical and conceptual ramifications and legal issues of electronic communication, including commercial transactions, contracts, communications, the First Amendment, and copyrights.
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New edition KeyRules provides outlines of the procedural laws needed to draft, file, and serve common civil court filings quickly and correctly. Book $149.00 |