This latest edition of Uncle Anthony's Unabridged Analogies provides a unique collection of almost 33,000 useful proverbs, quotations, toasts, and other famous sayings, organized by topic and author, and drawn from a wide range of time-honored sources, as well as biographies for every author/source and a section on movies about lawyers.
In the 4th edition, author Tom Vesper added a new section of compelling quotes on the right to a civil jury trial that will help you drive home your point in court, and new sections with quotes for use in openings and eulogies which present exceptional challenges for speakers and writers alike.
Now in the 5th edition, Tom adds what many trial lawyers consider the penultimate skill for any trial advocate: CROSS-EXAMINATION – the greatest legal engine ever invented for the discovery of truth and undermining the credibility of a witness whose testimony is false or inaccurate.
New also in the 5th edition is what Tom's late Aunt Mary Carlo from Brooklyn, NY, would have called “Showoff Time.” She loved going to the movies. She loved Westerns, WWII, film noir, sci-fi, horror, and comedies – but her favorite genre was musicals. As a tribute to his Aunt from B'klyn, and a treat for paremiologists, Tom has included in each topic at least one of his Aunt's favorite quotes.
Collected over 40 years, these maxims, "perfect zingers," and "final words of wisdom" have been compiled into a helpful resource for lawyers or lecturers to use when writing and speaking on both everyday and legal topics, or for any person looking to sum up an idea in a few well-chosen words.
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