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Codes, rules, and regulations from more than 100 New York state departments and agencies. |
This pamphlet contains major environmental law statutes enacted by Congress in its effort to address the problems of pollutants in the air, water, and land.
Book (Full Set)
This book is a compilation of the laws and rules governing the administration of public employment in Ohio. Book $1,408.00 |
This work contains permanent rules of the Texas Administrative Code prepared from data provided by the secretary of state. Book $1,386.00 |
This work contains permanent rules of the Texas Administrative Code prepared from data provided by the secretary of state. Book $1,386.00 |
Increase your understanding of the FTC—its history, provisions, jurisdiction, organization, and operating procedures.
Book (Full Set)
These volumes offer authoritative and practice-oriented advice on the procedures used before administrative agencies in Massachusetts.
Book (Full Set)
This WestlawNext™ subscription provides access to California state cases, annotated statutes, administrative code, court rules, and federal decisions originating in California. |
This title presents a compilation of Illinois rules relevant to civil practice.
Fingertip access to the full range of rent control and stabilization requirements in New York City and the state.