Can We Help?
Stay current with securities and corporate law trends. Newsletter analyzes impact of newsworthy cases, administrative policy, and staff guidelines. |
This title provides a comprehensive list and discussion of forms related to the practice of administrative law in Texas. Book (Full Set) $710.00 |
These volumes track the organization of the Florida Uniform Commercial Code. Book (Full Set) $2,509.00 |
This title gives you the latest session laws, and supplemental aids to keep you up-to-date on legislative actions. |
This title gives you a detailed and current analysis of statutory and decisional authority concerning workers' compensation.
Book (Full Set)
The text of the Ohio Administrative Code, covering rules and regulations relating to state licensing boards. Book (Full Set) $424.00 |
This WestlawNext™ subscription provides access to Wisconsin state cases, annotated statutes, administrative code, court rules, and federal decisions originating in Wisconsin. |
This title contains the General Statutes Authority. |
The text of the Ohio Administrative Code, covering rules and regulations relating to state licensing boards. Book (Full Set) $424.00 |
Discusses federal land use planning, including environmental regulation, and public water and mineral resource preservation.
Book (Full Set)