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This title contains the official Administrative Code for North Carolina relating to certain Occupational Licensing Boards. Book $73.35 |
This WestlawNext™ subscription provides access to Wisconsin state cases, annotated statutes, administrative code, court rules, and federal decisions originating in Wisconsin. |
Covers the process of offering securities for sale and the steps underwriters and attorneys should take to avoid personal liability.
Book (Full Set)
This volume contains the official North Carolina Administrative Code relating to the Department of Justice. Book $73.35 |
This work contains the official North Carolina Administrative Code relating to health and human resources. Book $73.35 |
New edition Provides the full text of new federal laws, Congressional Committee Reports, Presidential Proclamations, Executive Orders, Tables and Index. Book $885.00 |
This title addresses all aspects of litigation practice from a unified perspective. Book (Full Set) $506.00 |
This comprehensive legal encyclopedia contains textual statements of law alphabetically arranged in more than 400 topics. Book (Full Set) $26,749.00 |
This caselaw reporter contains opinions issued by Georgia state courts, plus West headnotes, Key Numbers, and other editorial enhancements. Book (Full Set) $74,560.00 |
This series updates Louisiana's legislative activity. |