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Legal Solutions by Thomson Reuters offers authoritative law books, references, and current legal dictionary editions, backed by the legacy of West Publishing. Law books and other references can be viewed by jurisdiction, practice area, book format, or subject matter. Fuel your success with law books from Legal Solutions by Thomson Reuters.

Bankruptcy law products

Legal Solutions from Thomson Reuters offers comprehensive legal resources for bankruptcy law practitioners.

This title compiles the best ABI articles and papers on consumer bankruptcy in 2012, covering chapter 13 plans, the foreclosure crisis, tax issues, student loans, and more.

eBook - ProView $9.99

This title compiles the best ABI articles and papers on business bankruptcy in 2016, covering the debt crisis in Puerto Rico, chapter 11 reform, circuit splits, Supreme Court decisions, and energy and retail bankruptcies.

eBook - ProView $25.00

This title compiles the best ABI articles and papers on business bankruptcy in 2012, covering issues such as intercreditor and confirmation issues, avoidance actions, executory contracts, and more.

eBook - ProView $9.99

A complete guide to legal theories, cases, and statutes affecting the lending process, with practical advice about lender liability claims.

Book (Full Set)   $2,280.00
ProView eBook   $2,280.00

This title offers guidance on how to maximize the value of the debtor’s assets and in turn generate the highest and best recovery for the entire group.

eBook - ProView $25.00

Covers treatment of New York real property liens, analysis, and resolving priority disputes over liens of various types.

Book   $679.00
ProView eBook   $679.00

This title offers guidance to both debtor and creditor lawyers, as well as to creditor professionals facing the prospect of a state law liquidation, and includes 30 pages of sample forms and checklists.

eBook - ProView $9.99

This title covers the areas of specialty, challenge, and reward for forensic accountants and the professionals who work with them in commercial fraud cases.

eBook - ProView $25.00

Contains timely information on every aspect of bankruptcy exemption law.

Book   $1,219.00
ProView eBook   $1,219.00

This book gives the practitioner or mortgage lender assistance in foreclosure actions, with forms.

Book   $605.00
ProView eBook   $605.00