Can We Help?
This guide clarifies what insider trading is and its consequences.
Book (Full Set)
This work answers questions arising in bankruptcy, debt collection, consumer credit, and secured transactions.
Book (Full Set)
Contains suggestions for policies and procedures capable of reducing the risk of corporate wrongdoing.
This title addresses some of the most important and challenging issues confronting insurance and reinsurance practitioners and professionals today.
Book (Full Set)
Practical guide to the small business cycles of sole proprietorships, partnerships, closely held corporations, and other types of small businesses.
Book (Full Set)
This handbook provides in-depth coverage of basic and specialized issues, including types of offerings, registration, reporting, potential violations, and enforcement.
Book (Full Set)
A comprehensive overview of RCRA and CERCLA—statutes, regulations, judicial decisions, and strategies—for more effective hazardous waste management.
Book (Full Set)
Discusses major water doctrines, analysis of water allocation law, proprietary water rights, federal water resource regulation, and water resource planning.
Litigation Management Handbook is a comprehensive resource on how to manage corporate litigation in effective, cost-efficient ways.
A resource containing the latest checklists and forms related to closely held corporations. Book (Full Set) $3,260.00 |