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Complete analysis of UCC articles. Commentary on commercial law practices, local code variations, related non-code laws, case and statutory developments.
Book (Full Set)
This edition provides regulatory guidance, assists compliance efforts, and provides understanding of issues resulting from gathering information on privacy issues.
Transactional forms and alternative clauses that Kentucky practitioners need most. Book (Full Set) $3,693.00 |
This work provides information about dealing with warranties in contracts from both a buyer's and seller's perspective. Book $1,343.00 |
This book is a compilation of Uniform Commercial Code forms. Book (Full Set) $851.00 |
Comprehensive collection of Uniform Commercial Code forms with the complete code text, detailed expert analysis, and commentary, checklists, and chronological procedural timetable. Book (Full Set) $5,430.00 |
This text provides a practical guide for members of the Louisiana bench and bar, Louisiana lenders and loan documentation specialists, and others with an interest in Louisiana's particular version of Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code.
Coverage and analysis of sales law, including contracts, interpretations, warranties, privity, rescission, intent, remedies, trade usage terms, and arbitration clauses. Book (Full Set) $686.00 |
This subset deals exclusively with transactional aspects of debtor and creditor relations, both bankruptcy and non-bankruptcy. Book (Full Set) $4,295.00 |
This collection of forms and sample documents provides the fundamentals of commercial transaction practice. Book (Full Set) $1,180.00 |