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A convenient source of laws, regulations, and professional association rules governing the creation and operation of a securities transfer agent's office. eBook - ProView $944.00 |
An authoritative English translation by a legal expert in the field provides an invaluable resource to anyone who is not fluent in French.
This guide provides checklists and forms to counsel clients doing business with foreign entities. Addresses key business and legal considerations. eBook - ProView $1,716.00 |
This work reviews the basics of customs law and regulation, and includes the text of many statutes and regulations. Book $1,285.00 |
Hundreds of proven forms help you efficiently handle any business transacted under the Uniform Commercial Code, as adopted by Michigan. Book (Full Set) $1,617.00 |
This 2-volume treatise provides an in-depth analysis of Articles 1—9 of the Uniform Commercial Code |
Comprehensive coverage and analysis of all aspects of contract law, including historical underpinnings, majority and minority views, and modern trends.
Book (Full Set)
These volumes provide Texas-specific model forms for protecting debtors' and creditors' rights before, during, and after judgment. Book (Full Set) $1,114.00 |
This newsletter provides regular coverage of developments that affect all types of mergers and acquisitions transactions. |
Authoritative Uniform Commercial Code source with analysis and commentary by section, recent case law, state and federal statutes, and law review articles. Book (Full Set) $12,119.00 |