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This title contains the entire Texas Business & Commerce Code, which includes the Texas version of the UCC, the Deceptive Trade Practices Act, and many other statutes governing business transactions, all with up-to-date annotations and more.
This reference provides a thorough look at fraudulent asset transfers and how they relate to state and federal bankruptcy laws.
Book (Full Set)
Complete and easy access to state laws and regulations dealing with residential mortgage lending.
Book (Full Set)
AAJ Press' one-volume practice guide with forms covers the many causes of action subsumed under the term "business torts."
Provides expert analysis of recent court decisions, Uniform Commercial Code revisions, and new law trends affecting commercial transactions under the code. |
Modern Licensing Law discusses the laws, decisions, traditions, and practices comprising licensing law including contract, property, and public policy doctrines.
Book (Full Set)
Complete forms for handling any commercial transaction under the Uniform Commercial Code. |
This treatise provides expert advice on drafting and negotiating commercial agreements and includes adaptable forms, including alternative solutions.
Book (Full Set)
This book will help corporate counsel advise clients on all types of construction projects, from relatively simple to very complex. Book (Full Set) $1,826.00 |
New edition This publication addresses the legally sensitive area of advertising law, covering topics from advertising to children to warranties. Book $1,237.00 |