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This newsletter helps you address day-to-day commercial problems, providing recent developments, feature articles, case summaries, forms, and practical suggestions. |
Covers treatment of New York real property liens, analysis, and resolving priority disputes over liens of various types.
Convenient reference covers Ohio land use controls and related planning and economic development issues.
This practice-oriented resource provides a framework for drafting documents throughout the engineering-construction cycle. Book (Full Set) $29,520.00 |
Gain a working knowledge of federal, state, and local preservation and land development laws.
This extensive, multistate resource provides samples of typical construction arbitration contracts, and suggests alternative language to resolve issues.
Book (Full Set)
Use this resource to develop a working understanding of every state's regulations for air and water quality, hazardous waste management, and cleanup.
Book (Full Set)
This treatise provides comprehensive discussion of statutes and caselaw pertaining to Illinois construction law. eBook - ProView $324.00 |
This treatise provides expert commentary and analysis of the laws and issues applicable to visual arts, arts transactions, museums, and litigation.
Book (Full Set)