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Our criminal law books cover a wide range of topics, including criminal law and procedure, jury selection, evidence, criminal codes, and more.
This title provides explanation and analysis of California law on crimes, punishment, and criminal procedure.
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Step-by-step procedural format walks through all stages of a criminal prosecution, from initial client contact through trial, post-sentencing, and appeal.
Book (Full Set)
For use with Federal Jury Practice and Instructions, 6th, this pamphlet contains criminal instructions for the First Circuit.
Provides a comprehensive discussion of procedure and evidence in criminal cases, and includes forms for every stage of a case.
Court Rules provides rules essential to practice before the courts and serves as a comprehensive yet portable procedural law library.
Book (Full Set)
New edition This volume is designed to assist lawyers and judges handling cases that involve drinking and driving.
This set assists you in complying with Michigan court rules and preparing the proper forms. Book (Full Set) $3,389.00 |
A practitioner’s insights get beyond the statutes and provide a guide to handling the most frequently encountered motor vehicle violations.
Book (Full Set)
This is a uniquely thorough and complete resource for understanding contemporary money laundering law. Book (Full Set) $11,896.00 |
This essential resource for the Texas criminal-law attorney contains all the statutes used most in practice and carefully selected annotations from leading court opinions, plus a dozen quick-reference charts. eBook - ProView $222.00 |