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Our criminal law books cover a wide range of topics, including criminal law and procedure, jury selection, evidence, criminal codes, and more.
This volume lists descriptions and properties of pharmaceutical drugs controlled by Ohio law. Book $131.00 |
Encompasses huge collection of forms and analysis; materials prepared exclusively for the Missouri practitioner. |
Court Rules provides rules essential to practice before the courts and serves as a comprehensive yet portable procedural law library.
Handy source of Fifth and Sixth Amendment doctrines leads to the heart of criminal case law, including current criminal procedure.
Book (Full Set)
Authoritative source thoroughly examines substantive criminal law in both state and federal jurisdictions.
Book (Full Set)
Designed for in-court use, this work offers fast access to basic principles, plus concise treatment of the law's critical aspects.
This complete trial manual sets out step-by-step procedures for practice of criminal law by prosecutors, defense attorneys, and trial judges. |
New edition This work contains official and original authored forms and analysis relevant to procedural aspects of practice before Federal national courts. |
New edition Provides North Carolina practitioners with standard state forms and nonstandard forms to adapt to specific situations. Book (Full Set) $824.00 |
New edition This work contains criminal and motor vehicle codes, plus related practical laws relevant for law enforcement officers.