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Criminal law books

Our criminal law books cover a wide range of topics, including criminal law and procedure, jury selection, evidence, criminal codes, and more.

Comprehensive examination of the law affecting prisoners and their rights, covering Supreme Court decisions, and all recent legal developments.

Book (Full Set)   $873.00
ProView eBook   $834.00

This product provides step-by-step guidance for effectively handling criminal and civil cases involving wiretapping and electronic evidence.

Book (Full Set)   $2,895.00
ProView eBook   $2,381.00

Westlaw Journal White Collar Crime PDFs provides each issue to the customer via PDF delivery in lieu of print delivery. This publication features articles on white-collar crime.

Book   $9,768.00

This is a comprehensive source of in-depth information on substantive and procedural criminal law in Michigan.

Book (Full Set)   $13,482.00
ProView eBook   $11,425.00

Step-by-step guidance through the crucial phases of a criminal defense case provides practice-proven criminal trial techniques.

Book (Full Set)   $6,644.00
ProView eBook   $5,856.00

This publication examines the critical court decisions on narcotics law.

Book (Full Set)
ProView eBook

Colorado Court Rules provides rules essential to practice before the courts and serves as a comprehensive yet portable procedural law library.

Book   $416.00
ProView eBook   $416.00

This work contains official and original authored forms and analysis relevant to procedural aspects of practice before Federal national courts.

Book (Full Set)   $2,388.00
ProView eBook   $2,338.00

This work is a comprehensive statement of Texas criminal law — substantive and procedural — containing modern authorities and developments.

Book (Full Set)   $12,798.00

Provides complete coverage of alcohol-influenced operating offenses, including guidance on trial strategies.

Book (Full Set)   $634.00
ProView eBook   $604.00