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Our criminal law books cover a wide range of topics, including criminal law and procedure, jury selection, evidence, criminal codes, and more.
Get the statutory language you need for Ohio criminal cases in one portable reference. Book (Full Set) $424.00 |
This work provides a detailed overview on search and seizure for school officials.
New edition Provides complete coverage of alcohol-influenced operating offenses, including guidance on trial strategies. |
This work contains hundreds of model criminal defense motions for Massachusetts courts.
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This work addresses every conceivable aspect of confessions ever discussed by Maryland appellate courts.
This unannotated pamphlet contains the text of selected state criminal statutes from West's® Annotated Code of Maryland and is updated annually.
Thorough, authoritative treatment of the issues and questions confronting practitioners who are preparing for or conducting criminal trials in federal courts.
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New edition Aspatore legal title Trends in DUI Discovery provides an authoritative perspective on the latest issues, developments, and cases involving discovery in DUI cases. Book $85.00 |
This volume lists descriptions and properties of pharmaceutical drugs controlled by Ohio law. Book $131.00 |
Court Rules provides rules essential to practice before the courts and serves as a comprehensive yet portable procedural law library.
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