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Our criminal law books cover a wide range of topics, including criminal law and procedure, jury selection, evidence, criminal codes, and more.
This book is a comprehensive guide to Kentucky laws relating to driving under the influence.
New edition This work addresses every conceivable aspect of confessions ever discussed by Maryland appellate courts.
Provides comprehensive approach to criminal procedure integrating constitutional issues, relevant statutes (particularly Texas Code of Criminal Procedure), and case law.
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This book provides step-by-step guidance to handling misdemeanor cases, including concepts, strategies, procedure, and pretrial preparation.
New edition Organized according to the stages of a criminal proceeding, this work is a useful desk and courtroom reference manual.
This set reviews recent criminal law cases, and offers tactics and techniques, actual pleadings, transcripts, and jury instructions. Book (Full Set) $7,428.00 |
Learn the best practices for preventing officers from turning innocent citizens into victims of a crime. |
This publication examines the critical court decisions on narcotics law. |
This publication offers tips on the seizure of incriminating evidence and on making sure your search and seizure holds up in court. |
This title provides explanation and analysis of California law on crimes, punishment, and criminal procedure.
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