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Our criminal law books cover a wide range of topics, including criminal law and procedure, jury selection, evidence, criminal codes, and more.
This Aspatore legal title provides perspective on mounting a defense against DUI charges in the state of Florida. Book $90.00 |
Step-by-step procedural format walks through all stages of a criminal prosecution, from initial client contact through trial, post-sentencing, and appeal.
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Detailed monthly report provides current coverage of the law, procedure, trends, and developments evolving in search and seizure law. |
Identifies and analyzes the complex issues that arise in federal grand jury practice.
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Convenient search reference to procedural aspects of criminal law, from arrest to appeal.
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This is a comprehensive source of in-depth information on substantive and procedural criminal law in Michigan.
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This product provides step-by-step guidance for effectively handling criminal and civil cases involving wiretapping and electronic evidence.
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This Aspatore legal title provides invaluable advice for navigating your way through a criminal case. Book $50.00 |
This Aspatore legal title is essential reading for anyone accused in Colorado of DUI, DWAI, or DUI-D. Book $40.00 |
Learn the best practices for preventing officers from turning innocent citizens into victims of a crime. |