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This treatise on the law and art of successful summation provides strategies and techniques of constructing a powerful and convincing closing argument to the jury.
Provides clear explanations of all 109 objections commonly used by civil and criminal attorneys, and each one's basis in law.
Quickly locate information needed to file court documents in all 58 counties in California with this compact directory. Book (Full Set) $1,363.00 |
This work contains essential business transaction forms for your California practice. Book (Full Set) $6,995.00 |
This work contains a detailed examination of civil procedure forms used in Maryland.
Book (Full Set)
This work provides an overview of various types of damages in a variety of cases, with references to recent cases.
Book (Full Set)
This product provides a detailed and practical analysis of Massachusetts' substantive law in more than 20 areas.
Book (Full Set)
Focuses on specific negotiation strategies and tactics to help clients achieve goals in situations from litigation to business transactions. Book $2,266.00 |
Westlaw Journal Class Action PDF gives you information on recent developments in class action litigation and provides each issue via PDF delivery in lieu of print delivery. |
New edition A thorough, clear, and concise discussion of procedures and law regarding spouse and child support in New York.