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This text, which includes forms, is a practical guide to civil procedure practice in Florida. Book (Full Set) $1,107.00 |
This subscription gives you access to appellate briefs filed in the U.S. Supreme Court, U.S. Tax Court, and U.S. courts of appeals. |
Systematic approach to questioning witnesses, providing detailed techniques and tactics for eliciting the response you want from virtually any witness.
Provides a real-world program for developing and improving your malpractice prevention program. Book (Full Set) $2,338.00 |
A clear and comprehensive discussion of Wisconsin’s Rules of Civil Procedure.
Book (Full Set)
This series updates Alabama's legislative activity. |
Promote your name, your firm, and services with this pocket-sized daily appointment calendar. Personalized, gold-stamped, and includes mailing envelopes. |
This Thomson Reuters Westlaw™ subscription provides pertinent case law annotations listed by jurisdiction from ALR®. |
Updates the Cumulative Supplement to the Code and contains more recent annotations from cases and collateral references. |
Provides formal civil jury instructions that can be used in most major areas of litigation.
Book (Full Set)