Can We Help?
This work is a comprehensive update text on one of the central issues in Government contracting.
Book (Full Set)
This title provides coverage of the principal regulations governing the negotiation, administration, and settlement of government contracts.
Book (Full Set)
This periodical, authored by government contracting experts, is devoted to critical, current, and controversial federal procurement issues. |
This Aspatore title provides best practices for negotiating contract terms and settling disputes between government agencies, contractors, and commercial companies. Book $110.00 |
This bi-monthly newsletter focuses on cost and pricing developments, as well as in-depth case analysis, statutes, and regulations. |
This Aspatore product provides key strategies for communicating with government agencies in government contracting. Book $80.00 |
Explains provisions and procedures of each Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), plus interpretive decisions of the courts and boards.
Book (Full Set)
In addition to addressing the Contract Disputes Act, this treatise addresses many issues that affect government contract disputes.
Book (Full Set)
This online newsletter gives you recent procurement information and legal decisions, plus new statutes and regulations. |
The index for the official text of New York Codes, Rules, and Regulations (NYCRR). Book $72.24 |