Can We Help?
This product provides step-by-step guidance for effectively handling criminal and civil cases involving wiretapping and electronic evidence.
Book (Full Set)
This publication examines the critical court decisions on narcotics law. |
Thorough handbook with detailed guidance for investigation and resolution of suspicious personal and real property claims.
This publication features up-to-date information on the laws surrounding the actual arrest as well as the search for evidence. |
This publication offers tips on the seizure of incriminating evidence and on making sure your search and seizure holds up in court. |
This treatise examines the immigration consequences of criminal activity by noncitizens.
Book (Full Set)
This work gives you expert guidance in successfully preparing a defense for federal and state narcotics cases.
Book (Full Set)
Firearms Law Deskbook helps prosecutors and defense attorneys identify various firearms offenses based on caselaw and unpublished agency decisions.
Book (Full Set)
This publication examines the critical court decisions on narcotics law. |
The index for the official text of New York Codes, Rules, and Regulations (NYCRR). Book $72.24 |