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Our civil litigation books cover a wide range of topics, including drafting and executing appeals and litigation in civil courts, and more.
This deskbook takes a multidisciplinary approach to representing claimants under California's Elder Abuse and Dependent Adult Civil Protection Act.
This comprehensive legal encyclopedia contains textual statements of law alphabetically arranged in more than 400 topics. Book (Full Set) $26,749.00 |
Combines the best attributes of a practice book and a treatise by providing commentary and step-by-step practice tips.
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This Aspatore product discusses patent infringement litigation procedures and strategies. Book $104.95 |
This set is a comprehensive reference source for successful civil trial practice in Indiana.
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Covers more than 125 of the most frequently made pretrial, trial, and posttrial motions.
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This work is a practical guide to every critical aspect of practicing trial law in Massachusetts.
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This Aspatore legal title is the ultimate resource for anyone who suspects that they have been victimized by medical malpractice. Book $25.00 |
This Aspatore legal title provides perspective on recent developments in evidentiary law in California and key factors driving these changes. Book $80.00 |
This practical guide covers procedural and substantive aspects of trial law. Includes analyses of civil case law, rules, and statutes.
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