Can We Help?
Discusses tort immunity, state/local government liability, and civil rights claims. Distinguishes between actions brought under state and federal law.
Extensive resource providing a comprehensive, clear, and accurate collection of more than 2400 municipal governmental forms. |
This practical reference contains analytical text, statutes, and case law governing the administration and operations of Ohio counties. Book (Full Set) $657.00 |
Clear, practical information on more than 2,200 courts, keeping you up-to-date on all local rules and procedures.
Complete practice guide to the rules, procedures, and administrative aspects of municipal court cases. Includes tactics, strategies, sentencing, and appeals.
Book (Full Set)
This work provides complete coverage of all areas and functions of local government in Massachusetts.
Book (Full Set)
This monthly newsletter describes grant opportunities for libraries and librarians, as well as opportunities in the field of education. |
Highlights trends, discusses statutory and regulatory developments, and includes practice tips and cross-references to McQuillin Law of Municipal Corporations. |
Comprehensive guide to planning boards, land use and environmental control, licensing, construction codes, tort liability, property taxes, and public contracts.
Book (Full Set)
Covers Ohio municipal law and practice—from annexation to zoning—plus municipal tort liability, collective bargaining, and public finance.
Book (Full Set)