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Legal Solutions from Thomson Reuters offers comprehensive tort law products and books for attorneys and legal practitioners.
This book provides plaintiff and defense attorneys with administrative standards governing hospitals and tools to determine departures from those standards.
Book (Full Set)
This new title is a guide to representing injured persons in Major Automobile Injury and Death (MAID) cases, and includes forms.
Effectively evaluate personal injuries and estimate expected damages with this guide. Two volumes. Book $740.00 |
Encyclopedia of facts to be proved at trial and various types of civil actions. Four volumes. Book (Full Set) $4,650.00 |
Complete survey of the law relating to emotional injuries. Book (Full Set) $779.00 |
Explains the use of the res ipsa loquitur doctrine to prove negligence in cases involving accidents. Book (Full Set) $3,495.00 |
Addresses issues common to all types of toxic torts cases; focuses on claims of personal injury. Book (Full Set) $1,896.00 |
This work provides techniques, strategies, checklists, and samples for fact-finding in product liability cases. Book (Full Set) $2,428.00 |
Provides a thorough overview of the areas of medicine most often covered in personal injury and disability cases. Book (Full Set) $2,680.00 |
Comprehensive legal guidance and forms, supported by authoritative, up-to-date caselaw and statutes, to handle all aspects/types of motor vehicle accident cases. Book (Full Set) $4,217.00 |