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Legal Solutions from Thomson Reuters offers comprehensive tort law products and books for attorneys and legal practitioners.
This publication provides a guide to representing injured persons in cases involving inadequate security on premises, including sample litigation forms.
Book (Full Set)
Provides techniques, strategies, checklists, and samples for fact-finding in motor vehicle liability cases.
Book (Full Set)
This title is an in-depth compendium on Alabama personal injury and tort law.
Book (Full Set)
This handbook is a reference source that helps attorneys prepare a sound case while saving valuable research time.
Book (Full Set)
Comprehensive guide to products liability law and practice.
Book (Full Set)
Provides an in-depth and comprehensive treatment of the law of damages in Georgia, addressing every substantive area of the subject.
Complete reference for Pennsylvania workers' compensation cases.
Book (Full Set)
This title gives guidance and practice tips for handling personal injury cases in Georgia.
Attorneys’ quick reference on life or health insurance matters for insurance carriers, policyholders, or claimants.
Book (Full Set)
Analysis of all issues of medical malpractice in Texas including substantive, practical discussion of relevant legislation and case law.
Book (Full Set)