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This title covers all aspects of the UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency as well as chapter 15 of the Bankruptcy Code, with details on the Foreign Representative, avoidance actions, creditor protections, comity, and more. eBook - ProView $25.00 |
Perfect for bankruptcy practitioners working with a healthcare entity, this manual provides caselaw, practical tips, and explanations of the relevant Bankruptcy Code sections and the intricacies of healthcare industry. eBook - ProView $25.00 |
This manual covers the basics of insurance law for the bankruptcy professional and vice versa and distinguishes claims in an insurance sense from those under the Bankruptcy Code. eBook - ProView $9.99 |
This book covers the fundamentals of consumer bankruptcy proceedings under chapters 7 and 13 of the Bankruptcy Code, including information on changes in the law since BAPCPA. eBook - ProView $9.99 |
This primer covers the 2005 amendments to the Bankruptcy Code, including concepts such as property of the estate, claims, bankruptcy stays and injunctions, dischargeability, domestic relations law, criminal proceedings, and more. eBook - ProView $9.99 |
This title provides an overview of the fundamental features of chapters 7, 11, 12, and 13 of the Bankruptcy Code, with reference to current caselaw and practical examples. eBook - ProView $25.00 |
This manual provides the basic framework of bankruptcy litigation for civil litigators and other attorneys who do not have extensive experience in bankruptcy litigation. eBook - ProView $9.99 |
This comprehensive treatment incorporates recent caselaw and changes to the Bankruptcy Code as it bridges the divide between classroom theory, courtroom procedure, and conference room negotiation. eBook - ProView $25.00 |
This handbook covers the provisions of both the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act and the Bankruptcy Code that are designed to assist debtors in the armed forces. eBook - ProView $9.99 |
This handbook guides nonlawyer professionals who service bankruptcy accounts on the bankruptcy process, the debtor's rights, and how bankruptcy affects a creditor's rights with respect to a consumer bankruptcy account. eBook - ProView $9.99 |