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Resource providing legal analysis of required elements for causes of action and defenses, including guidelines, checklists, and sample initial pleadings. Book (Full Set) $23,349.00 |
Discusses tort immunity, state/local government liability, and civil rights claims. Distinguishes between actions brought under state and federal law.
Federal trial practice step-by-step from pretrial preparation through posttrial motions. Includes comprehensive treatment of Federal Rules of Evidence.
Book (Full Set)
This guide provides practical, real-life advice on the best practices and methods for voir dire, plus forms.
Book (Full Set)
This comprehensive resource is recognized as a core text on statutory interpretation and construction, essential to interpreting statutes and understanding the effects of the legislative process by which they are created. Book (Full Set) $4,640.00 |
An engaging and systematic treatment of all the most important principles of constitutional, statutory, and contractual interpretation. Book $49.95 |
This “how to” book on trial fundamentals focuses on what to say in a jury trial and how to say it. Book $60.00 |
Step-by-step guide to preparing, settling, and trying mass tort cases.
Book (Full Set)
This Aspatore title provides a comprehensive look at how social media is affecting the legal system. Book $85.00 |
A nationally recognized communications expert revisits the trial process, how jurors have changed, and what litigators now need to know. Book $56.00 |