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Provides guidance to using legal and scientific techniques to best advantage, whether defending or prosecuting a drunk-driving case.

Book (Full Set)   $3,546.00
ProView eBook   $3,546.00

Federal civil, criminal, and appellate procedure, rules, evidence, jurisdiction, relation of state and federal courts, multidistrict litigation, and other subjects.

Book (Full Set)   $12,759.00

Excellence in Cross-Examinationprovides in-depth guidance and tactics for developing and enhancing your cross-examination skills.

Book (Full Set)   $263.00
ProView eBook   $263.00

This work gives you expert guidance in successfully preparing a defense for federal and state narcotics cases.

Book (Full Set)   $2,612.00
ProView eBook   $2,612.00

These newsletters review recent cases, discuss tactics and techniques used, and includes pleadings, transcripts, and jury instructions.

Book (Full Set)

Practice-oriented treatment of professional responsibility answers the ethical questions confronting today’s criminal lawyer.

Book (Full Set)   $366.00
ProView eBook   $366.00

This product provides step-by-step guidance for effectively handling criminal and civil cases involving wiretapping and electronic evidence.

Book (Full Set)   $2,501.00
ProView eBook   $2,381.00

This set reviews recent criminal law cases, and offers tactics and techniques, actual pleadings, transcripts, and jury instructions.

Book (Full Set)   $7,428.00

Convenient search reference to procedural aspects of criminal law, from arrest to appeal.

Book (Full Set)   $1,401.00
ProView eBook   $1,543.00

A compilation of all forms used during the pre-trial proceedings, trial, and post-trial situations in federal and state criminal courts.

Book (Full Set)   $7,373.00
ProView eBook   $7,918.00