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Codes, rules, and regulations from more than 100 New York state departments and agencies. |
This title contains more than 266,758 case annotations to the most commonly sold and litigated property and liability policies in the United States today. Book (Full Set) $7,037.00 |
Detailed examination of the changing priorities in zoning and land use practices, discussing over 15,000 cases in all 50 states. Book (Full Set) $2,074.00 |
Explains the use of the res ipsa loquitur doctrine to prove negligence in cases involving accidents. Book (Full Set) $3,495.00 |
Encyclopedia of facts to be proved at trial and various types of civil actions. Four volumes. Book (Full Set) $4,650.00 |
A compilation of all forms used during the pre-trial proceedings, trial, and post-trial situations in federal and state criminal courts. Book (Full Set) $7,373.00 |
This set deals exclusively with commercial transactions as governed by the Uniform Commercial Code. Book (Full Set) $5,058.00 |
Comprehensive legal guidance and forms, supported by authoritative, up-to-date caselaw and statutes, to handle all aspects/types of motor vehicle accident cases. Book (Full Set) $4,217.00 |
Extensive resource on federal administrative practice, including checklists, forms, instructions, and citations to applicable statutes, government regulations, and significant cases. Book (Full Set) $2,612.00 |
Detailed reference providing the latest practice-proven, court-tested litigation methods and techniques, including interview sheets, motions, pleadings, and checklists.
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