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Keycite and Citators

This set provides comprehensive analysis of issues of federal law and selected issues of international law.

Book (Full Set)   $12,662.00

This title gives you articles that organize and evaluate cases rather than simply provide you text of the case.

Book (Full Set)   $11,437.00

This set provides comprehensive analysis of issues of federal law.

Book (Full Set)   $10,970.00

This title gives you articles that organize and evaluate cases rather than simply provide you the text of the case.

Book (Full Set)   $4,849.00

Covers substantive and procedural law involved in securing all forms of equitable relief.

Book (Full Set)   $300.00
ProView eBook   $300.00

This WestlawNext™ subscription provides Hawaii cases, court orders, rules, statutes, and KeyCite®.


American Law Reports 1st Blue Book, ALR Series annotations stay current with these updates. **NOTE: Vols. 1 and 2 are out of print. Volume 12 was issued in 2016 covering 2011-2016.

Book (Full Set)   $712.00

This WestlawNext™ subscription provides Wisconsin cases, court orders, rules, statutes, and KeyCite®.


This WestlawNext™ subscription provides District of Columbia/Maryland/Virginia cases, court orders, rules, statutes, and KeyCite®.


This WestlawNext™ subscription provides District of Columbia cases, court orders, rules, statutes, and KeyCite®.
