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These newsletters review recent cases, discuss tactics and techniques used, and includes pleadings, transcripts, and jury instructions. |
This is a practical manual that provides guidance to both the experienced and the less experienced corporate practitioner.
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Updated and fully annotated set of District of Columbia Code, supplemented with a detailed legislative history and other editorial enhancements. Book (Full Set) $3,106.00 |
This work contains official and original authored forms and analysis relevant to procedural aspects of practice before Federal national courts.
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This Aspatore legal title provides feedback from leading legal minds on the risks that arise when using social media platforms. Book $25.00 |
Provides an encyclopedic reference of auto insurance policies from creation through renewal or termination. Also includes personal injury issues.
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Detailed monthly report provides current coverage of the law, procedure, trends, and developments evolving in search and seizure law. |
This Aspatore legal title provides an insider's perspective on recent breakthroughs in eyewitness interviewing and criminal identification practices. Book $80.00 |
This work is a thorough discussion of juvenile law in Massachusetts.
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This product provides perspective on best practices for developing and utilizing new response techniques and tools in law enforcement investigations. Book $70.00 |