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Law book products

Legal Solutions by Thomson Reuters offers authoritative law books, references, and current legal dictionary editions, backed by the legacy of West Publishing. Law books and other references can be viewed by jurisdiction, practice area, book format, or subject matter. Fuel your success with law books from Legal Solutions by Thomson Reuters.

This caselaw reporter contains opinions issued by the United States Court of Veterans Appeals, plus West headnotes, and Key Numbers.

Book (Full Set)   $15,568.00

Provides summary reports of the latest federal cases every week, within days of their release by court.

Book (Full Set)

This Aspatore legal title discusses the patent application process, as though you were a client meeting with your lawyer.

Book   $20.00

Publication is a comprehensive text statement of Texas oil and gas law and includes citations to modern authorities and developments.

Book   $2,650.00

This Aspatore legal title provides perspective on analyzing and responding to new technological advances that impact effective intellectual property protection.

Book   $90.00

The text of the Ohio Administrative Code, covering rules and regulations relating to employment, civil rights, and public safety.

Book (Full Set)   $424.00

This title provides feedback on the unique challenges of working with foreclosed properties in the Ohio market.

Book   $25.00

This caselaw reporter contains opinions issued by Alabama state courts, plus West headnotes, West Key Numbers, and other editorial enhancements.

Book (Full Set)   $9,713.00

This product provides feedback from leading legal minds on the challenges of working with foreclosed properties in the Georgia market.

Book   $25.00

Draft a variety of ordinances that are both legally correct and understandable to courts, municipal officials, and the public.

Book (Full Set)   $7,904.00
ProView eBook   $7,904.00