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Comprehensive coverage of contract law in Tennessee, including numerous practice pointers and forms.
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This work is the only official compilation of the rules and regulations adopted by Virginia agencies. |
This set provides a comprehensive array of forms for use by Georgia practitioners in almost any kind of case, civil or criminal.
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Provides an encyclopedic reference of auto insurance policies from creation through renewal or termination. Also includes personal injury issues.
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Practical guide to modern sports law includes statutes, case law, league developments, contracts, injuries, eligibility, disciplinary rules, and more. Book (Full Set) $3,931.00 |
Government officials in law enforcement share their expertise in this Aspatore government relations title on DUI breath-testing procedures. Book $85.00 |
This product provides feedback from leading Arizona attorneys on the challenges of working with distressed homeowners in the Arizona market. Book $25.00 |
This is a collection of text, forms, and selected laws and regulations for structuring joint ventures between U.S. and foreign companies. Book (Full Set) $3,736.00 |
American Law Reports 3rd Edition, ALR Series is an ongoing series of in-depth legal research articles or annotations on particular issues of state law. Book (Full Set) $4,885.00 |
Provides you with a review of case law and legislation, with broad references to other materials affecting each subject.
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