Construct the most effective defense possible with Criminal Trial Techniques. Renowned criminal law experts provide courtroom-tested insights into all phases of the trial, from initial case considerations to dealing with the trial judge. This multivolume set outlines aspects of pre-arrest, pretrial preparation, and pretrial investigation proceedings. It presents trial materials and tactics for both prosecutors and defense counsel. The authors' strategies and techniques help you: Protect your client's rights at a lineup Plea-bargain more effectively Deal with different types of witnesses Prepare complex criminal and insanity defense cases Argue and support motions in limine Read jurors' gestures, postures, and facial expressions Disclose prejudicial attitudes Weaken witness credibility Cross-examine police and expert witnesses Conduct postmortem examinations A View from the Bench feature provides valuable insight from a trial judges perspective on topics such as defense attorney credibility. You'll also find checklists, reminders, and forms to collect information quickly, including lists of specialists and organizations of expert witnesses. The text also examines cases involving narcotics, homicide, poisoning, forgery, arson, vehicular homicide, and burglary.