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Full text of Income Tax Revenue Rulings and Revenue Procedures from 1954 forward. Includes detailed analysis. |
This title provides nearly 3,500 pages in outline form analyzing legal and tax aspects of a variety of matters. Book (Full Set) $3,842.00 |
Analyzes legal agreements with an in-depth look at their tax consequences. Book (Full Set) $18,724.00 |
This set is a guide to preparing Social Security Disability claims.
Book (Full Set)
A practical guide to protecting witnesses’ rights before federal grand juries through every step of the process. Book (Full Set) $4,921.00 |
Comprehensive, in-depth discussion of malpractice and strategies for the handling and prevention of malpractice suits. Book (Full Set) $1,713.00 |
Improve your negotiating leverage in acquisitions or mergers with this product.
Book (Full Set)
Discusses tort immunity, state/local government liability, and civil rights claims. Distinguishes between actions brought under state and federal law.
Book (Full Set)
This book explores every phase of a sex crime case, from the initial client interview to summation. Book $3,289.00 |
Resource providing legal analysis of required elements for causes of action and defenses, including guidelines, checklists, and sample initial pleadings. Book (Full Set) $23,349.00 |