Can We Help?
This resource helps attorneys deal with the complex issues of privilege and confidentiality, both in transactional practice and in litigation.
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Comprehensive guide on the special procedures, rules, jurisdictional questions and remedies for American and international admiralty and maritime law.
Book (Full Set)
Authoritative source thoroughly examines substantive criminal law in both state and federal jurisdictions.
Book (Full Set)
Examines winning trial transcripts and theories behind them, including voir dire, opening statements, direct-examination, cross-examination, and closing statements.
Book (Full Set)
A step-by-step practice guide that emphasizes strategic considerations and covers every aspect of a commercial case, from the assessment through pleadings, discovery, motions, trial, and appeal.
Book (Full Set)
State-by-state analysis of regulations and trends relating to Regulation D. Also includes definitions, charts, and comparisons.
This title contains laws from the most recent legislative session, legislative highlights, and useful tables for cross-referencing. |
This treatise provides a practice-oriented guide to all phases of Chapter 13 proceedings, from debtors' prefiling considerations through discharge, litigation, and appeals. |
Provides in-depth treatment and comprehensive coverage of the latest issues, regulations, legislation, and caselaws affecting entertainment and communications industries. Book $3,916.00 |
Handy source of Fifth and Sixth Amendment doctrines leads to the heart of criminal case law, including current criminal procedure.
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