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Provides a single source for decisions interpreting the Federal Rules of Evidence in both civil and criminal cases. |
This caselaw reporter contains opinions issued by Georgia state courts, plus headnotes, West Key Numbers, and other editorial enhancements. |
This unique title covers a broader range of topics than most current constitutional law treatises. It is suitable for use by college students, law students, and the general public.
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This reporter contains decisions of the South Carolina Supreme Court and Court of Appeals, plus headnotes and West Key Numbers. |
This caselaw reporter contains opinions issued by Indiana state courts, plus headnotes, West Key Numbers, and other editorial enhancements. |
This handbook provides in-depth coverage of basic and specialized issues, including types of offerings, registration, reporting, potential violations, and enforcement.
Book (Full Set)
This caselaw reporter contains opinions issued by the United States Court of Veterans Appeals, plus headnotes, and West Key Numbers. |
Noted authority Jonathan L. Rosner analyzes the elements of preparing witnesses to give clear, persuasive testimony. Book $389.00 |
This Deskbook addresses specific issues surrounding stops, searches, and seizures of vehicles.
This work is an overview of federal environmental law encompassing the statutory regimes covering the major environmental media, conservation regimes intended to protect natural resources, and cross-cutting issues such as enforcement and procedure
Book (Full Set)