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This caselaw reporter contains opinions issued by the U.S. Supreme Court, plus headnotes and West Key Numbers. Book (Full Set) $7,694.00 |
Extensive coverage of juvenile law, including procedural rules; analysis of constitutional, statutory, and decisional law; case surveys; and recent developments.
Covers important federal environmental, pollution, and natural resource statutes, regulations, and cases, plus National Environmental Policy Act regulations.
Book (Full Set)
This title provides practical guidance on using and citing the law of privileges in federal proceedings.
This handbook provides in-depth coverage of basic and specialized issues, including types of offerings, registration, reporting, potential violations, and enforcement.
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This Deskbook addresses specific issues surrounding stops, searches, and seizures of vehicles.
This work is an overview of federal environmental law encompassing the statutory regimes covering the major environmental media, conservation regimes intended to protect natural resources, and cross-cutting issues such as enforcement and procedure
Book (Full Set)
This work helps you gain an understanding of local government laws, government regulatory powers, and application, plus the interrelationships among various units of government.
Book (Full Set)
This eight-volume title encompasses the complete range of securities topics, including legal systems, securities regulatory schemes, public securities markets.
Book (Full Set)
A comprehensive overview of RCRA and CERCLA—statutes, regulations, judicial decisions, and strategies—for more effective hazardous waste management.
Book (Full Set)