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This handbook provides in-depth coverage of basic and specialized issues, including types of offerings, registration, reporting, potential violations, and enforcement.

Book (Full Set)   $3,708.00
ProView eBook   $3,708.00

This Deskbook addresses specific issues surrounding stops, searches, and seizures of vehicles.

Book   $1,797.00
ProView eBook   $1,797.00

This work is an overview of federal environmental law encompassing the statutory regimes covering the major environmental media, conservation regimes intended to protect natural resources, and cross-cutting issues such as enforcement and procedure

Book (Full Set)   $3,546.00
ProView eBook   $3,546.00

This work helps you gain an understanding of local government laws, government regulatory powers, and application, plus the interrelationships among various units of government.

Book (Full Set)   $3,423.00
ProView eBook   $3,423.00

This eight-volume title encompasses the complete range of securities topics, including legal systems, securities regulatory schemes, public securities markets.

Book (Full Set)   $8,448.00
ProView eBook   $8,448.00

A comprehensive overview of RCRA and CERCLA—statutes, regulations, judicial decisions, and strategies—for more effective hazardous waste management.

Book (Full Set)   $2,528.00
ProView eBook   $2,528.00

Drone Law is a comprehensive, up-to-date coverage and analysis of federal regulations and processes, state and local laws and regulations, and an examination of a broad range of legal issues surrounding unmanned aerial systems.

Book   $261.00
ProView eBook   $261.00

Discusses major water doctrines, analysis of water allocation law, proprietary water rights, federal water resource regulation, and water resource planning.

Book   $3,425.00
ProView eBook   $3,425.00

Provides the attorney with the starting point for any tort research to determine whether a cause of action exists.

Book (Full Set)   $1,585.00
ProView eBook   $1,585.00

Provides clear explanations of all 109 objections commonly used by civil and criminal attorneys, and each one's basis in law.

Book   $654.00
ProView eBook   $654.00