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Georgia law products

Legal Solutions from Thomson Reuters offers comprehensive Georgia legal resources, including law books, WestlawNext, legal software and automated forms for Georgia attorneys.

This treatise provides guidance for acting as a trustee in Georgia, lays out the full picture of Georgia trust law, and compares and contrasts the prominent laws and trends in other states.

Book   $760.00
ProView eBook   $760.00

This practical handbook provides Georgia attorneys with a straightforward and thorough foundation in Georgia medical malpractice law.

Book   $1,164.00
ProView eBook   $1,164.00

Redfearn Wills and Administration in Georgia is a complete guide to wills, probate, and the administration of estates from the petition-for-letters to the final discharge of the personal representative.

Book (Full Set)   $582.00
ProView eBook   $582.00

New edition This is Herman & McLaughlin's useful courtroom tool for judges and trial lawyers regarding evidence questions in civil cases.

Book   $960.00
ProView eBook   $960.00

New edition This title gives you a comprehensive review of postjudgment collection tools and suggestions on their use.

Book   $199.00
ProView eBook   $199.00

Provides you with a discussion of the rules of service and process in Georgia, including forms.

Book (Full Set)   $365.00
ProView eBook   $365.00

This CD-ROM companion to the print edition provides all the forms from the main book.


This product provides feedback from leading legal minds on the challenges of working with foreclosed properties in the Georgia market.

Book   $25.00

This product contains the forms from the wills and estates guide, from simple wills to superior court appeals.


Provides you with a guide to handling collection cases, from the start through final collection, with forms, checklists and examples.

Book (Full Set)   $312.00