Can We Help?
This title contains the official Administrative Code for North Carolina relating to certain specialized offices and independent agencies. |
This volume contains the official North Carolina Administrative Code relating to the Department of Justice. |
This title contains the official Administrative Code for North Carolina relating to revenue and the Secretary of State. |
This set contains the official Administrative Code relating to labor, crime control, and public safety. |
This title contains the official Administrative Code for North Carolina relating to certain Occupational Licensing Boards. |
This set contains the official Administrative Code relating to the environment and natural resources. |
A comprehensive resource providing detailed coverage of North Carolina civil and criminal law, both substantive and procedural. Book (Full Set) $30,586.00 |
Provides you with a discussion of relevant statutes, cases, and forms.
Book (Full Set)
This work provides a complete discussion of current rules, including previous versions of the state Rules and the Federal Rules.
Provides an encyclopedic reference of auto insurance policies from creation through renewal or termination. Also includes personal injury issues.
Book (Full Set)