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Practical guide to the small business cycles of sole proprietorships, partnerships, closely held corporations, and other types of small businesses.
Book (Full Set)
This handbook provides in-depth coverage of basic and specialized issues, including types of offerings, registration, reporting, potential violations, and enforcement.
Book (Full Set)
This reference provides authoritative coverage of the practical and legal aspects of due diligence as it relates to preparing initial securities offerings.
D & O Liability Handbook: Law—Sample Documents—Forms, 2024-2025 ed. (Securities Law Handbook Series)Use the legal commentary, statutory provisions, and sample documents and forms found in this handbook to limit director and officer liability.
This newsletter provides regular coverage of developments that affect all types of mergers and acquisitions transactions. |
This title provides analysis of legal developments in over-the-counter derivatives, futures, and option trading, including regulation, legislation, and litigation. |
A comprehensive resource providing detailed coverage of Texas civil and criminal law, both substantive and procedural. Book (Full Set) $47,375.00 |
Complete and easy access to state laws and regulations dealing with residential mortgage lending.
Book (Full Set)
Advise clients on how to take full advantage of transactional exemptions by learning the use and regulatory foundations of the exemptions. Book (Full Set) $20,639.00 |
Gain insight into the implications of the five subdivisions of Section 16. Focuses on trading, insiders’ reporting, short sales, and exemptions.