Can We Help?
Manual on Uniform Commercial Code, Revised 3rd (Vol. 25 and Vol. 25A, Massachusetts Practice Series)This work provides Massachusetts attorneys clear and authoritative guidance to the Uniform Commercial Code.
Book (Full Set)
This book will help corporate counsel advise clients on all types of construction projects, from relatively simple to very complex. Book (Full Set) $1,826.00 |
Practical guide to Uniform Commercial Code litigation and analysis of recent court decisions, code revisions, and new law trends affecting commercial transactions. eBook - ProView $1,202.00 |
This title identifies and addresses the issues that arise in the planning and execution of international sales contracts.
Book (Full Set)
Comprehensive survey and analysis of all aspects of suretyship, including commercial guaranty agreements, performance bonds, and standby letters of credit.
Modern Licensing Law discusses the laws, decisions, traditions, and practices comprising licensing law including contract, property, and public policy doctrines.
Book (Full Set)
Complete forms for handling any commercial transaction under the Uniform Commercial Code. |
This work will give you an in-depth look at the most important issues raised in commercial transactions. Book (Full Set) $1,146.00 |
Forms recommended for use in areas governed by the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) and certain related state and federal laws. Book (Full Set) $1,473.00 |
This edition contains the full text of the California Commercial Code.