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This guide provides a detailed legal framework for copyright, trademark, and other intellectual property issues surrounding filmmaking.
New edition This book discusses how intellectual property law protects entertainment-related intellectual property.
Practical guide to modern sports law includes statutes, case law, league developments, contracts, injuries, eligibility, disciplinary rules, and more. Book (Full Set) $3,931.00 |
This comprehensive legal encyclopedia contains textual statements of law alphabetically arranged in more than 400 topics. Book (Full Set) $26,749.00 |
Provides in-depth analyses of tort and constitutional law, contracts, labor law, and antitrust issues. Includes practice-tested strategies on sports law topics. Book (Full Set) $762.00 |
This Aspatore legal title is designed to assist clients in dealing with legal issues relating to creative works, across multiple venues. Book $80.00 |
Guidance for structuring all types of multimedia and technology licensing transactions. Provides forms, commentary, and tips on drafting and negotiating. Book (Full Set) $2,362.00 |
This Aspatore legal title provides perspective for representing professional athletes, ownership groups, and amateur, professional, and international entities. Book $90.00 |
This work provides an in-depth discussion and analysis of recent entertainment case law, forms, and drafting guidance. Book (Full Set) $974.00 |
Provides in-depth treatment and comprehensive coverage of the latest issues, regulations, legislation, and caselaws affecting entertainment and communications industries. Book $3,916.00 |